Sunday, May 24, 2009

Picnic Day

We went to picnic day this year in Davis. I love picnic day. It's so fun. The day started with a very interesting parade. Each department, club and group had either a float or some kind of display for the parade. The kids loved it. Then each department has a fun educational presentation with activities and lots of fun stuff. The kids had fun doing all the craft things and playing games. The weather was perfect. It was a great day. We walked all over campus and by the end of the day we were totally pooped!


The kids and I went to Safetyville USA a few weeks ago in Sacramento. We went with the homeschool group. This place is super cute. Everything is little! The buildings, street signs, even the dumpsters. The kids learned a lot about safety. Being safe in the street, what to do if there is a fire, a raging dog, how to speak to emergency services, they even learned how to keep the drains clear (still not sure what that had to do with safety but it was still informative and for whatever reason it's what she remembers the most). They had a lot of fun.