Saturday, August 22, 2009


Here's a couple of things I finished this past week. I was trying to figure out something fun to do with the empty formula cans and this is what I came up with. The little one is a free sample of formula shortly after she was born. I like it with all the crayons!

Mom and I have been scrapbooking once a week. We've been trying to conquer the Disney trip we took last spring! It's coming along. This is just one I made of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Gotta love the cricut!

The yellow bookshelf was from Shannon. It was white before. So I painted it yellow (the color is actually called "uplifting") I like it. Steven added Bead board behind it. It turned out pretty neat!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Marine World

My family took me to Marine World for my birthday this year. We had a ton of fun! The kids were super excited to see all the shows and the animals. Rebekah was tall enough to go on a lot of the rides. Isaiah was too terrified to even try the simple ones. He did warm up to it though (at 8:00 at night - the park closes at 9:00). But it was neat. We got to pet a Sting Ray and Ride an elephant! Jacko the Walrus was mine and Isaiah's favorite. He was just so fun. He would follow Isaiah. We got some neat pictures. He's the walrus from the film "50 first dates". Pretty neat to meet a "celebrity". :) The butterfly exhibit was really cool. Butterflies were just swarming every where. The kids loved meeting Bugs Bunny and Batman. It really was such a fun day. We were pretty pooped by the end!

Sizzlin' summer paper chase

So we just finished the scrapbook shop hop. It was Rebekah's first year and boy was she excited! We had a great time. It was a lot of fun getting to visit and see all the different stores and things they had to offer. We're overloaded with ideas! Now we just need the time to do them before we forget!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fourth of July 2

Fourth of July evening we went to my sister in law's house for a BBQ and fireworks. Rebekah loved playing on their quad. She looked so little on it! After a while she got a little too comfortable on it and made a fast really sharp turn and it toppled over on her. I came running to see if she was okay. I lifted the quad off her and she jumps up and says "I'm okay!" She starts to get back on and I said I think we're done for today. She says "it's okay, now I know just not to do that anymore".

Later in the evening we played with sparklers and small fireworks and just enjoyed the company of our family. It was a good day. :)

Fourth of July 1

This fourth of July afternoon we stayed home and pulled out the slip and slide for the kiddo's and Rebekah was dying to sell otterpops. So we helped her put out a stand and an umbrella for shade and there she stood for a long time. Our street was dead. Not a car or a soul at home. After a while of nothing we told her that she might have fun playing with Isaiah in the slip n' slide. She argued that she might miss a sale that way but ultimately we won. She and Isaiah had a lot of fun playing in the water.

Sunday's vs. Sundaes

So we had this FHE on keeping the sabbath day holy. It was an object lesson. You start out with a bowl of vanilla ice cream. Then you ask the kids if ketchup would be a good topping. Of course they say no, right? No...not my kids. We found every condiment we had and asked our kids one by one if that would be a good topping. We said "well, we like mustard don't we?" They said "yes" so obviously it must be great for ice cream! We put on every condiment and showed it to the kids and asked them if they wanted a bite. I was expecting them to see the horrible color it had turned into and they would say no..but they didn't. They were over joyed to try this ice cream. It was soooooo yucky. The look on each of their faces was pretty funny. So then we talked about how some things are good for some things and not so good for others. Then we changed it to some things are good to do on Sunday and some things are best not to do on Sunday. Rebekah got it but Isaiah kept trying the ice cream and each time he'd make a disgusted face. It was like he couldn't understand why he didn't like this ice cream. It's ice cream I HAVE to like it! :)

Isabel is growing!

These are some photos we took of Isabel last month. She was four months old in these pictures. I'm so amazed at how fast she's growing. She's quite the rolypoly now. As soon as you set her on her back she's over on her tummy in an instant. I love how she's always holding her hands. She is so sweet! And aren't her little feet so cute?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Picnic Day

We went to picnic day this year in Davis. I love picnic day. It's so fun. The day started with a very interesting parade. Each department, club and group had either a float or some kind of display for the parade. The kids loved it. Then each department has a fun educational presentation with activities and lots of fun stuff. The kids had fun doing all the craft things and playing games. The weather was perfect. It was a great day. We walked all over campus and by the end of the day we were totally pooped!


The kids and I went to Safetyville USA a few weeks ago in Sacramento. We went with the homeschool group. This place is super cute. Everything is little! The buildings, street signs, even the dumpsters. The kids learned a lot about safety. Being safe in the street, what to do if there is a fire, a raging dog, how to speak to emergency services, they even learned how to keep the drains clear (still not sure what that had to do with safety but it was still informative and for whatever reason it's what she remembers the most). They had a lot of fun.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Craft and quilt expo

We went to visit Aunt Nancy and Auntie Grace at the Craft expo. Isabel's first quilt show! Homestead station was super cute of course. Rebekah started her first fairy stitchery. So fun!

Great Harvest Bakery

Tuesday we went to our first Homeschool meetup outing. We went to the Great Harvest Bread co. for a tour. It was great! They were so helpful and really geared things down for the kids. The each got to make their own little loaves and we got to try a huge slice of one of their very fancy loaves. It was a fun day! Rebekah loved kneading the dough and painting herself with flour! :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More Feliz

Rebekah and Isabel had matching feliz dresses for Easter. They were soooo cute! I just love all the ruffles!

Feliz Dress

I found this pattern on-line and fell in love with it! I've made four so far and I have fabric picked out to make a few more I've only had the pattern one month. It's just a cheery, happy dress. Here's Rebekah and her cousin with their matching feliz dresses! So cute!!!

Isabel's blessing day

My mom is an AMAZING seamstress! She made this gorgeous dress for our little Isabel. Her blessing day was wonderful. We are so grateful to have so much family around us that love us and support us. I am grateful to be a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Her blessing was very sweet. I know she won't remember this day but I'll cherish this day forever.

Valentine's day Do

I saw this cute hair-do on-line and had to try it. Rebekah was a good sport and thought it was the coolest thing to have her hair shaped like a heart!

One Month Old

A little out of order...but here's her One month photos with Daddy. I

love these pictures! She's soooo little and her cute button belly button is adorable!

Smores at GG's

The kids LOVE to make smores up at GG's house. The kids go hunting for the coolest marshmellow sticks and then we roast away! I love sitting by the toasty fire. It was really cold that night so we were all huddled around the fire as close as we could get without actually being IN the fire. But it was worth it to have the fun memories and the delicious dessert! It's such a yummy, very sticky, fun activity!

Monday, March 23, 2009

100th Day of School!

Rebekah had her 100th day of school party! It was a great day. We made donuts shaped like 100. She wrote down 100 words. We counted 100 shapes and glued them onto a banner. We linked together 100 paper clips and counted 100 pennies. We laced 100 fruitloops onto a necklace and blew up 100 balloons while she practiced writing her numbers on each one. We ate pizza and played games and just had a ball.

First Bath!

We were so excited to give her her first bath! She wasn't a fan of the cold hard tub though. She cried through it all! Luckily she's over that now and she is quite content in the bathtub. I love the picture of Steven holding her up. She is just so little!!!