Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pioneer day

Last Saturday was Pioneer day for the Lodi stake. We had a really fun time. I made Rebekah her first pioneer outfit. She looked so cute. Her bonnet didn't quite make it though. It got torn as she was getting out of the car. But she looked cute without it anyway! Isaiah loved the horses. Steven and I sang during the program it was a fun day. We watched Legacy at the end of the program. It was good because we've been teaching Rebekah about pioneers and seeing this movie really helped her visualize it. She told Steven that she was grateful that we were'nt pioneers because she didn't want him to die. But she has been singing "pioneer children" a lot lately! She said "They just walked and walked!"

Sunday, August 3, 2008


We had lots of fun at Camp Richie. The kids experienced canoeing, rock climbing (Isaiah chickened out at the last minute but he liked getting the gear on), hiking, and sleeping in a cabin for the first time. The weather was great. It was so pretty up there. They're already begging to go back!