Monday, February 18, 2008

Our last day snorkeling ;(

Such a strange fish!!!
Grandma and Isaiah snuggling on the beach.
It looks like the fish are kissing!!!
Grandpa, Daddy and Rebekah
getting ready to head out.

We went to Escombrone one last time on Friday. It was such a beautiful day. It was really sad knowing that it was going to be our last time snorkeling. That's been our favorite thing to do here. Any free time we have we like to head down to the beach to explore. Today we saw a really neat fish. I'd never seen anything like it. It looks puffy in the photo but it was flat! It was like a flat triangle. Strange.

Valentine's Day crafts with the kids

We made Valentine's day crafts. I let the kids paint...whoa...It's still amazing how much of a mess they can make! They had a great time though.
Isaiah was having a ball painting...he painted everything but what he was supposed to be painting! My favorite is the skunk stripe down the middle of his head!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Coles Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph

Coles Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Family search - Draw family tree


I've finally been able to finish something! I made this super cute Denim tote bag. It was so easy. I had a lot of fun putting it together. I even lined it and made a couple of pockets! :)

For Valentine's day Rebekah and I stitched up some of these cute envelopes to hold all our fun valentines!

Children's museum

We wanted to try the children's museum one last time before we left and to our great surprise...It was OPEN!!! Rebekah and Isaiah had the whole place to themselves. They had a great time!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Day passes to Condado hotel

We got day passes to go and enjoy the Condado hotel on Friday and Saturday. We sure had a blast but after two full days of being out in the sun- we are pooped!!! The water was so clear. It's been super shallow over here lately. I can't say I like that too much...I love looking at all the wonders of the sea but I really don't need to be right on top of them! But it sure is neat.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

More from the park

I wanted to add a few more photos but it wouldn't let me add it in the other post so I made another one. Christine said this park looks like a Book of Mormon park. Isn't that neat?This is a flambouyant tree. They are everywhere in PR. I think they are so pretty.
This is another neat tree I see frequently here. I have no idea what it is but isn't is cool looking?

A day at the park

I tried to rotate this picture. Sorry! Anyway, I love the huge leaves vining around this tree! The benches are so neat too. They're actually made of concrete but they look like they're wood- kind of cottage style. It's neat!
We walked across the bridge to see the beach that we like to go to so much. I love the view behind us. I've never gotten used to seeing how beautiful Old San Juan is from that view.
After a long walk around the very large park we stopped under what Rebekah called her "princess tower" and ate oranges. Isaiah is such a pro at peeling them! Everyone goes to him for help and he's always glad to give it!

We went to a park connecting to the beach called Escombron today. It is such a beautiful park. I've been there only a couple of times and I really wanted to go back with my camera before we have to leave. It was such a nice morning. The kids had lots of fun making new friends and just being able to run around. Christine and I enjoyed the serenity of it all. It really is so pretty. I learned today that it used to be an old fort. It was built in the 1700's and PR decided to make it into a park. So some of the fort still exists and they use portions of the areas for different activities. They also used some of the orignial structures to make interesting play things for the kids. It's really neat.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Sunny afternoon

There were so many fish today! It was great!
This is a huge flounder. Can you see it?
Rebekah LOVED snorkeling today. I love this picture!

Steven got off early from work today and it was such a happy sunny day that we decided to go to the beach! We went to Escombron playa. The water was so clear we got some great shots underwater. The kids had a great time building sand castles and splashing in the waves. I'm really going to miss this when we're gone! But it's so fun for now!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

The fountain by the puntilla

We went to Old San Juan today in hopes that the Children's Museum would be open...It wasn't as usual so we took a nice stroll around the area and headed for the car. On the way out the kids stopped and had a ball playing in the water from the fountain. Rebekah got soaked! So even though our initial plans fell through it still turned out to be a great entertaining afternoon.

Isaiah and Rebekah having fun.
Rebekah getting soaked
Isn't she cute?